Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

The tubes of the pressure sampling device are designed for the selection of pressure pulses and the installation of pressure gauges on process pipelines and devices with non-aggressive and aggressive environment.


All products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products: embedded devices and expanders, bosses, protective sleeves, selective pressure devices, adapters, plugs, plugs, washers, gaskets, connections for pipe wiring, vessels, tubes, devices for installing pressure measuring devices, fittings
  • Bosses
    BP01, BP02, BP04, BP05, etc.
  • Protective sleeves
    Protective sleeves
    GZ.16, GZ.25, etc.
  • Embedded structures
    Embedded structures
    ZK4-1-85, ZK4-2-85,ZK4-3-85, etc.
  • Fittings
    Sh-K1/8, Sh-G2, Sh-K1/4, etc.
  • Devices for installation
    Devices for installation
    OST 26.260.465-2000, etc.
  • Tubes
    40 MPa, etc.
  • Selected pressure devices
    Selected pressure devices
    OUD-16-200-01- A and others.
  • Adapters
    NP-G1/2, NP-G1, N-K1/8, etc.
  • Plugs and plugs
    Plugs and plugs
    3-R1, 3-R3/4, KZ, etc.
  • Connections
    NSN-10, NSV-14, ST-22, SNP, etc.
  • Vessels
    SU, SK, SR, etc.


The company has many years of experience and is a leading manufacturer of assembly products and metal structures.
  • production

    The company has a powerful production base for a full cycle of development, implementation and production of serial products and non-standard products.
  • assortment

    The company produces more than 450 types of products and always keeps a wide range of products in high demand.
  • development

    The company continuously develops and improves its offerings, introducing innovations at various levels and improving the skills of employees.

Information Board

Learn more about our products.
  • Product price list
    Product price list


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