Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Embedded structures are used for the installation of thermal sensors, devices for measuring pressure, level, quality of the substance, shut-off valves, connection of pulse lines.

Models: ZK4-1-85, ZK4-2-85, ZK4-3-85, ZK4-4-85, ZK4-5-85, ZK4-6-75, ZK4-1-6-95 , ZK4-1-8-95 , ZK4-1-9-95 et al .

Price list


All products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products: embedded devices and expanders, bosses, protective sleeves, selective pressure devices, adapters, plugs, plugs, washers, gaskets, connections for pipe wiring, vessels, tubes, devices for installing pressure measuring devices, fittings
  • Bosses
    BP01, BP02, BP04, BP05, etc.
  • Protective sleeves
    Protective sleeves
    GZ.16, GZ.25, etc.
  • Embedded structures
    Embedded structures
    ZK4-1-85, ZK4-2-85,ZK4-3-85, etc.
  • Fittings
    Sh-K1/8, Sh-G2, Sh-K1/4, etc.
  • Devices for installation
    Devices for installation
    OST 26.260.465-2000, etc.
  • Tubes
    40 MPa, etc.
  • Selected pressure devices
    Selected pressure devices
    OUD-16-200-01- A and others.
  • Adapters
    NP-G1/2, NP-G1, N-K1/8, etc.
  • Plugs and plugs
    Plugs and plugs
    3-R1, 3-R3/4, KZ, etc.
  • Connections
    NSN-10, NSV-14, ST-22, SNP, etc.
  • Vessels
    SU, SK, SR, etc.


The company has many years of experience and is a leading manufacturer of assembly products and metal structures.
  • production

    The company has a powerful production base for a full cycle of development, implementation and production of serial products and non-standard products.
  • assortment

    The company produces more than 450 types of products and always keeps a wide range of products in high demand.
  • development

    The company continuously develops and improves its offerings, introducing innovations at various levels and improving the skills of employees.

Information Board

Learn more about our products.
  • Product price list
    Product price list


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